SI 010: Progress over perfection

We humans are an odd bunch...

No matter how many times we are reminded that perfection is an unobtainable ideal, we still find ourselves in pursuit.

The result?

Frustration when it doesn't go our way.

Things happen which derail our plans, which pisses us off and we end up throwing in the towel.

In any endeavour, be it fitness and wellbeing, career, relationships, or anything else, the concept of perfection is a barrier between us and consistent progress.

If we focus in on making slight improvements instead... (wait, that would be a great name for a newsletter) ...we are far more likely to see ground being gained.

Think of it this way, which option is better:


1. A perfect on-paper plan, with a goal of perfection, which you can stick to for a maximum of about 4.5 days


2. An imperfect plan which only makes small changes, but you can maintain indefinitely


Which of those will lead to better results in the end?

Pretty obvious now, right?

An added bonus of the second option is that as you tick off those habits each day, you get a little hit of dopamine which makes you feel more motivated.

This feeds into further small changes, and greater progress.

Like compound interest, this builds over time into some pretty amazing results.

Stop aiming for the perfect results, or even the perfect routine.

Start thinking about how you could make your current routine marginally better.

What could you change?

Drop me a comment and let me know...

(and subscribe to get the newest edition of the Slight Improvement newsletter straight to your inbox every week)

Until next weekā€¦

Big love,

Jay x


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